
Can You Vacuum Seal Liquids?

The benefits of vacuum-sealing foods like meat and fish are well-known. You can store your food for longer, preserve the flavours and textures, and reduce food waste – all vitally important as we try and reduce our costs in our homes and businesses.

But have you ever wondered whether you can vacuum seal liquids? And if you can, why would you even want to?

While a little extra effort is needed...

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Chamber Vacuum Packers vs Suction Sealers

Longer shelf life. Improved product quality. Better appearance.

These are some of the most common reasons why people consider investing in a vacuum packer.

It’s no secret that our air is the perfect environment to allow bacteria to grow. When our food comes into contact with this bacteria, it can cause our food to spoil and go bad. Vacuum packers draw air away from the food product, which lea...

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What Foods Can You Age in a Vacuum Sealer?

Ageing is a food preparation technique that’s typically associated with beef, although increasingly, ageing enthusiasts are experimenting with other meats, like pork or lamb. Typically, food is left for a period of time – anything from weeks, months or even years, depending on the product – with the aim of improving the flavours and tenderness.

Vacuum sealers have long been popular for extendi...

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Reheat Vacuum Sealed Food Like a Pro

Everywhere we turn, we see headlines about the rising cost of living, so it’s only natural that we look for ways to reduce our expenditures. In a bid to reduce food waste, many of us are turning to vacuum food sealers to preserve food for longer. But the big question remains – can you reheat vacuum-sealed food?

The answer is a resounding “yes” and here we’ll talk about how you can do this effi...

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Vacuum Sealed Chicken: A Fresh Solution

The invention of vacuum sealing occurred during World War II and its ability to keep food fresher for longer is now well-known. But you may find yourself wondering whether vacuum food sealers are an appropriate tool for chicken, where it’s important to prepare and cook it thoroughly to avoid food poisoning.

The great news is that this versatile technique can absolutely be applied to chicken. S...

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The Advantages of Vacuum Sealing Your Food

Vacuum sealing is rapidly gaining popularity, particularly against a backdrop of rising living costs. But just why are so many households and businesses rushing out to invest in vacuum packers?

Why Should You Vacuum Seal Your Food?

Whether in a domestic or commercial setting, food is a precious commodity and we’re all taking steps to reduce overheads and food wastage. The air around us contai...

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