Vacuum sealing is a process of packaging food in which all the air in the package is removed before sealing. If you have ever stored meat in your freezer without vacuum sealing the bag beforehand, you’ll have noticed that when you eventually eat it, it tastes horrible. That taste is what’s called a freezer burn. To prevent your meat from getting the ‘freezer burn,’ you’ll have to vacuum seal your meat before placing it in the freezer.  

Meat usually becomes sour when it absorbs water. Whenever a perishable like meat is vacuum sealed and stored in a freezer, you get to have a solid solution for storing your meat. Meat stored like this can last for several months and a few years depending on the type you’re keeping in storage. 

Vacuum sealers have a barricade that serves the purpose of blocking air, moisture, and unwanted flavors from getting into the package. This way, your meat will taste the same way it tasted before you stored it in your freezer.  

Why Vacuum Sealing Meats Is A Good Idea 

Vacuum sealing your meat gives you several benefits. Storing your meat after vacuum sealing lengthens the perseveration of its taste. It also protects your food from germs, dust, humidity, and other agents that could make your food taste horrible. Vacuum sealing your meat after mealtimes allows you to have a wider range of choices when you visit your freezer later to pick out meat.  

You get to save money this way, keep up with your diet, and prevent the wasting of food. When you vacuum seal your meat, it becomes simpler to categorize them in chronological order so you can determine how you’d want to consume them later in the future. Individuals that purchase their meat in bulk because of different reasons ranging from horrible weather to medical issues largely benefit from the use of vacuum sealers. Vacuumed sealed meat have great shelf life even in freezers that are quite stuffy. 

How Long Can Meats Be Stored After Being Vacuumed Sealed 

Depending on whether meat is cooked or not and the type of meat that’s being stored, meat that has been vacuum sealed have different lifespans. Cooked poultry meat can last up to 4 months after being vacuum sealed and stored in a freezer. Cooked beef can last up to 3 months, cooked hot dogs and lunch meat can last up to 2 months. 

Uncooked beef that has been vacuum sealed and stored in a freezer can last up to three years. Uncooked pork, lamb, and lamb can last up to 3 years as well. Uncooked fish can last up to 2 years, uncooked hamburger and ground meat can last up to a year. Vacuum sealing makes meat last so long because of the absence of air, facilitating a lifespan of three to five times the lifespan of non-vacuumed sealed meat.   

How Does It Work 

To understand how a vacuum sealer works, certain words have to be defined to you. A vacuum is an area that has no air. A place with no air has no oxygen which is the major agent that spoils food. A vacuum sealer makes use of power pumps that does a combination of all the work in the machine. These pumps remove oxygen from a container, and make it easier to seal meat without moisture at all. Some vacuum sealers have the option to allow you modify the level of suction.  

Once a plastic bag is placed in a single vacuum chamber machine, the lid is closed and the air sucked from the bag. The heat seal in the single vacuum chamber machine seals the bag and refills the chamber with oxygen coming in from an outlet. The resulting air pressure eliminates air that’s still in the plastic bag.  The lid then opens and the plastic bag removed from the vacuum sealer. Non- chamber vacuum sealers are referred to as external units and cannot seal liquids. It makes use of a vacuum channel as opposed to the use of a vacuum pump in chamber vacuum sealers. Another form of a vacuum sealer is a vacuum pack machine

Before vacuum sealing your food, you can put it in the freezer for some hours. This tip is recommended so your food doesn’t get grounded by the vacuum sealer. As an added advantage, vacuum sealers can be used to preserve the quality of items like your jewelry and cutleries made of precious metals like silver. 

In Summary 

Vacuum sealing meat is a required process for everyone who hates the idea of food going to waste and wants to save money. Using a vacuum sealer for your meat increases its shelf life, making it edible for months and in some cases, years. For people who love the indoor type of life, vacuum sealers are lifesavers. Vacuum sealers work by sucking out all the air from a plastic bag containing food and sealing it for preservation.