Vacuum packing is one of the best methods of packaging many products. This is especially the case when it comes to food products as vacuum packaging helps to keep the food fresh and flavoursome. Other items can also be stored using vacuum packaging, including medicines and many other products to reduce postage costs.  


Vacuum packaging machines are used in a variety of industrial settings. They can also be used by people in their own homes. There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to vacuum packaging. There are many different machines on the market to suit different uses and situations. For anyone who is choosing the right machine for them it helps to understand the basic principle of vacuum packaging.  

How does vacuum packaging work? 

Ever since vacuum packaging machines were first invented there has been one basic principle. This principle is that oxygen is removed from the packaging before it is sealed. This helps to prevent the growth of microorganisms inside the packaging. It's these microorganisms that can be damaging to food. This is why preventing their growth is so important. Obviously, vacuum packaging processes have evolved over the years, but they are still similar to the ones that were introduced decades ago.  

The history of vacuum packaging machines 

Let's take a closer look at those original machines that were introduced during the Second World War. The inventor of these original machines was a German named Karl Busch. In the beginning, vacuum packaging was used on a much smaller scale than it is today. Originally most of the packaging was done to protect the food of families and soldiers who were going to war. This use of vacuum packaging in a domestic setting was the start of what was to become a great evolution in the vacuum packaging industry. However, it was not until 1963 that Busch introduced the first industrial sized vacuum packaging machines. This was the start of taking vacuum packaging processes to a whole new level. These original industrial vacuum packaging machines were similar in principle to the machines we have today. The process involved the removal of oxygen from the packages before they were sealed. This meant that food items could be stored safely and affordably for longer periods on an industrial scale for the first time.  

How vacuum packaging machines have evolved 

Although the underlying process of vacuum packaging is the same today as it has always been, the machines that are used have evolved greatly.  


For example, many of the machines that are used today are digitally operated. This means that it's a lot easier to operate these machines than it was to operate the original vacuum packaging machines of the 1960s.  


Modern machines also come in a range of different shapes and sizes. For instance, you can get double and single chamber vacuum packaging machines. You can also get tabletop versions of these machines. Having such a wide variety of vacuum packaging machines available means that there is an option suitable for every different occasion. This can include the vacuum packaging of food by manufacturers and distributors. It can also include vacuum packaging of food items in the home.  


The biggest advantage of the evolution of vacuum packaging machines is that they are much simpler to operate. This means that people operating the machines do not have to be experts. This is particularly advantageous in the home environment where the vacuum packaging of food is becoming more popular. It enables people to buy food items in bulk and store them hygienically and safely in the home. It also allows for the storage of leftover food, thereby reducing the amount of waste.  

In summary  

It may come as some surprise that vacuum packaging is not a new idea. The machines that we are used to today are the latest examples of machinery that was originally created as far back as the Second World War. The original machines that were created by Karl Busch were very simplistic. They were also only able to cater for smaller vacuum packaging projects, such as those that took place in the home.  


Larger industrial machines only came into being in the 1960s. Since then they have evolved greatly. Today, vacuum packaging is something that is taken for granted both in industry and in domestic usage. Modern machines rely on the same basic principles as their predecessors but are technologically advanced. This means that they can easily be operated by individuals without the need for any specialist knowledge. Technology has brought vacuum packaging machines a long way. It will be interesting to see what the future has in store.