Nothing beats fresh, seasonal produce. Whether it’s from your local grocery store, farmers market, or your very own garden, the sight of abundant, fresh produce is a joyful one. What is a great disappointment is when a fruit and vegetable’s harvest season comes to an end. Every fruit and vegetable has a specific harvest time and when that time comes to an end it is easy to miss the fresh version. Canning or freezing fruits and vegetables are ways to enjoy fruit and vegetables all year long but are oftentimes more expensive and/or changes the quality of the produce. A great solution to overcome this is vacuum sealing.


What Is Vacuum Sealing?

Oxygen is one of the main agents that cause food to spoil. Vacuum sealing is a process in which all the air, and therefore oxygen, in a package is removed and it is then sealed airtightly. This allows food materials to be efficiently packaged and preserved.


Vacuum sealers provide a barrier to block air, moisture, and unwanted flavours from getting into the package. By doing this, your fresh produce will taste the same as it did before you stored it in your freezer.


Investing in a vacuum sealing machine is a great way to ensure you have access to all types of fruit and vegetables all year long. Vacuum sealed fruits and vegetables remain unaffected by bacteria and/or molds. Vacuum sealing is, therefore, an effective way to preserve fruits and vegetables for long periods of time. This will mean you have access to fresh fruit and vegetables all year-round.


Preparation For Vacuum Sealing

Vacuum sealing is a simple process. The one thing that is important when vacuum sealing is correctly preparing fruits and vegetables.


Fresh fruits and vegetables that are not prepared properly before vacuum sealing could get spoilt. If fruits and vegetables are stored with any traces of soil then there is a risk that bacteria and/or enzymes from the dirt could grow in the oxygen-deprived package. In cold, vacuum-sealed environments whole fruit and vegetables release gases that could interfere with the freshness of the produce.


To prevent these problems it is suggested to peel large fruit and vegetables, as well as cut them into smaller pieces. For smaller fruits and vegetables it is important to wash them well with water to make sure they are free from any dirt. To stop the ripening process it is recommended to briefly blanch vegetables in boiling water for a couple of minutes. This will also kill off any germs and bacteria. It is also important that fruits and vegetables are completely dry before vacuum sealing.


If fruits and vegetables are vacuum sealed and then refrigerated, they can then be stored for three to four months. If you want to store your fruits and vegetables for longer you can first flash freeze them. If you first flash freeze the produce you will also help to retain the original textures and moisture of the fruits and vegetables.


Benefits Of Vacuum Sealing

Vacuum sealing lengthens fruits and vegetables storage time while maintaining their original flavour. It protects your fresh produce from bacteria, dust, humidity, and other elements that could negatively impact the taste and preservation of your food. Vacuum sealed fruits and vegetables don’t change colour, they don’t develop a bad odour, nor do they develop any slimy films.


By vacuum sealing fruits and vegetables you will have access to a wide variety of fresh produce throughout the year - even when they are not in season. This allows you to have a wider choice of ingredients for cooking and baking healthy meals.


Vacuum sealing prevents any unnecessary food wastage. Any leftover or excess food materials can be sealed and enjoyed at a later stage.


Vacuum sealing makes organising your fridge and/or freezer more efficient as vacuum-sealed food takes up less room, and because you can see the foods you are storing it also makes things easier to identify.


Vacuum sealers can also save you time. By sealing foods in the portions you intend to use them in, it allows you to efficiently defrost and prepare the correct amount each time. It also means you need to buy fresh produce less regularly.


Vacuum-sealing food is also a great way to save money. Buying fresh produce in bulk is commonly a lot cheaper. Bulk-buying and then vacuum sealing meal-sized portions is a great way to save on grocery costs.


With all these benefits it is clear that buying a vacuum sealing machine could be a helpful and beneficial option for everyone!