Vacuum packaging technology has been embraced by businesses across the globe over recent years. The growth in its use shows no signs of abating in the future. The technology enables businesses to significantly increase the shelf life of products, thereby increasing potential for sales and improving profits. Vacuum packaging can also reduce wastage, which saves on costs while also helping to optimise the use of resources.

As awareness of the benefits of vacuum packaging has grown, so the demand for it has increased. The growth in demand has also been fed by continuing urbanisation and industrialisation, especially in the emerging economies of the world.

The process of vacuum packaging

The basics of vacuum packaging are that products are sealed in air tight packaging, thereby preserving them for a longer period than would normally be expected. As vacuum packing technology improves so recyclable materials have come onto the market as has light weight packaging. Both of these are valuable assets in a world where protection of the environment is high profile and a business climate where lightweight packaging can help to reduce transit, and potentially storage, costs.

How the global vacuum packaging market works

The global vacuum packaging market as a whole is huge. The market is divided in several different ways.

  • Application of packaging

The application of vacuum packaging is not restricted to the food industry. There are many other industries which make use of the technology including pharmaceutical, consumer goods and industrial. That being said, it’s the use of vacuum packaging in the food industry that has traditionally been dominant. and this situation seems set to continue.

  • Machinery type

Not all vacuum packing is done in the same way; different types of machinery are used. These machinery types include external vacuum sealers, thermoformers and tray-sealing machines.

  • Types of packaging

Just as not all vacuum packing is not done in the same way, not all of the packaging is the same. This is no surprise given the amount of different uses for the packaging. The different types of packaging in use include rigid, semi-rigid and flexible. It’s the market in flexible packaging that seems the most likely to experience substantial growth over the next few years.

  • Types of material used

Different types of material are used in the production of vacuum sealing bags and pouches. These materials include polyamide, ethylene, polyethylene and vinyl alcohol. Given the developments that have occurred over recent years, it could be that additional materials will be utilised in the future.

  • Geographical areas of production and use

Vacuum packaging is utilised across the globe and it’s being produced in more and more areas including North America, Latin America, Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. It’s this last region that seems likely to experience the most growth in production in the future given the industrial growth, and the growth in consumer use, that is likely to take place in countries such as India and China.

The future for vacuum packaging

There has started to be a greater emphasis on eating healthily over recent years. This includes an increase in the demand for fresh produce by the consumer. Vacuum packing means that producers can keep produce fresh for longer, helping them to keep up with consumer demand. All of this means that the future for the vacuum packaging industry looks bright.

The continuing growth in the industry means that industry names such as CVP Systems Inc., Berry Plastics Corporation, Ulma Packaging, Orics Industries, and Sealed Air Corporation, should experience rising profits. This, in turn should mean that there is more investment potential to enhance the vacuum packaging experience. There is the potential for new materials and techniques to be utilised and/or developed.

This potential could bring about numerous benefits over years to come. As the world continues to develop, and the population continues to expand, so there is a growing need for effective vacuum packaging solutions to meet the demands of this growth. Businesses will have more consumers to provide for so will need more vacuum packing provisions to keep goods fresh. As the number of consumers grows, so individuals will have an increasing need for vacuum packaging on a domestic level, in order to keep food fresh enabling them to buy in bulk and reduce purchase costs.

Vacuum packing is a relatively simple process that provides many benefits for industry and for the consumer. As technology improves, and need increases, the vacuum packaging industry seems set to go from strength to strength.